About Us



In 2003 several couples from Cass County most of whom were attending Faith Bible Church in Lincoln NE. began an in home bible study (Flock group.)  This was the core group of what has now become known as Crossroads Bible Church.  This group also started a youth bible study that has come to be known as “Fervent Ministries.”


June 5th, 2004 we began meeting on Sunday nights at Jim’s garage in Wabash for Bible study with the purpose of building a team and working towards a church plant. By October of 2004 the decision was made to plant a church and so we moved toward this goal rapidly.


January 2nd 2005 we started having regular services at Conestoga Junior Senior Highschool with about 36 people.


May 28 2006 we moved to the old “Lofte” barn on Hwy 1. We began construction on a new facility at the intersection of Highway 1 and Highway 50.


Easter Sunday, April 8th, 2007 we had our first unofficial service in our new building.  We enjoyed the sunrise service even though we set a new record low for the day of 16 degrees.


Easter Sunday, March 23rd, 2008 we had our first official service in our newly completed facility.



As you may have noticed from the pictures we are a pretty relaxed group.   We boast a diverse group in dress and style.  There are a few things that are not flexible.  The first is that we take people over schedule.  We are here to build up the body of Christ, not to serve a schedule or some clock on the wall.  Therefore we sometimes get started a few minutes late and sometimes end a few minutes behind schedule.  The second thing you will note is that we highly value God’s Word.  Because of this, our preaching is deliberate and deep as needed.  We take our time and work through a book of the Bible. We move from a book’s beginning to it’s end, verse by verse. We do this to best understand the whole of what is being taught.  Each week we try to make the portion we are studying applicable to our daily lives and our lifelong walk in service of our risen Lord Jesus Christ.


We simply love good music of all kinds here at Crossroads.  On Sundays you may find anything from hymns to contemporary Christian to Bluegrass Gospel.  We are more focused on the message of the song then the style.   During the course of the month we have Sundays with piano only, guitar only, and piano and guitar combined.  On the first Sunday of each month during our Adult Sunday School we have a time of prayer and scripture reading and we take this opportunity to sing hymns from our hymnals too.

To meet our leadership team or read more about our beliefs, see the links below.